Tag: Vurve Salon

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Mar 17 , 2020
Fusio Scrub: The Ultimate In-Salon Scalp & Hair Exfoliation at Vurve Salon

Just like how cleansing and exfoliating your face has become a part of your everyday routine, it’s time to show your scalp some love too.

Scalp health is majorly overlooked in the quest for shiny, healthy hair, especially in India. Whether it is your relaxing champi routine during weekends or a rushed shampooing during weekday mornings – it eventually leads to product build-up on your scalp and causes dandruff over time. Scalp care is widely ignored and we tend to focus only on keeping our hair clean and healthy, while our scalp gets lost in the mane.

A scrub has powerful capabilities that can be unlocked to cleanse the scalp, remove dead skin cells and wash away product build-up- essentially strengthening your scalp and stimulating hair growth.

While face scrubs are associated to be harsh on the skin, let us demystify what a hair scrub like the Fusio Scrub by Kerastase can do. Fusio Scrub offers a powerful combination of exfoliation and essential oils that remove the grime while maintaining a healthy scalp. It acts as an immersive hair care solution that deeply cleanses the scalp and keeps it hydrated.